Cloud computing has very much impact on our daily life in many ways. It gives the benefits of reducing the burden of investing in costly infrastructure. In cloud computing, data and applications are available. The telecom industry has used this technology for accelerating development of the traditional wire and copper infrastructure. Cloud computing is more than an advance in technology. It provides transformation for the organization- people, processes, and system. It has been creating new business opportunities. An ecosystem of participants is driving the cloud. The evolution of cloud computing in regarding three broad sets of people and principals are service providers, business users, and IT users. It offers an advantage of cost reduction in the field of IT sector and other functional areas within the enterprise. The impacts can be seen in areas like HR, CRM, and IT infrastructure. There are many reasons for using the cloud technology. The IT industry uses the cloud technology to gain pace. The cloud technology has allowed access to sophisticated analytical abilities in IT industries. The data from the IT platforms combining with the cloud technology has given resources to get the better insights on possible services, innovation, and customer services.